And so it begins.
After months, if not years of procrastination and to-ing and fro-ing over whether or not to start a blog the time has finally arrived to take the plunge. As with most new bloggers the fear of not knowing what to write, who to write for and what to write about has been a consistent wall to starting something new. But enough resistance. Here it is.
Life of man is a men’s lifestyle blog, written by myself, Nick a digital marketing professional with one of the UK’s largest multi-channel retailers. I work in fashion retail, experience technology day by day, am a car enthusiast and have an active interest in music, film, TV, food and drink. As a blogger from Milton Keynes you’ll be reading plenty of Milton Keynes blog posts with the occasional post arriving about my experiences in London. As and when I have money or indeed am gifted any products I’ll also be sharing my tips and advice on menswear and men’s grooming.
Sound interesting? Perhaps not yet. But be prepared, I am also the owner of 2 Ragdoll cats who are embarking on this journey with me.
Let’s get things started…